Osteopathy by Christian Bates, Osteopath & Naturopath

Osteopathy is extremely well known to help back and neck pain. With our wide variety of techniques, we can help facilitate repair of injuries to muscles, ligaments, tendons and the joints of the spine. We have deeper techniques that are still performed very gently that can release stiffness and “locking” of joints. We call these mobilisations and manipulations. Osteopathy also uses the extremely gentle “cranial osteopathy”. This is so light it is performed on babies but is also very effective for any ages that prefer this very gentle style. 

Deep Tissue Massage by Leanne Smith

Along with osteopathy, massage is the go-to therapy for helping back pain. Deep tissue massage is well known for releasing tense muscles, increasing range of movement and is used by virtually all athletes for maximising recovery and pain relief and enhancing performance. 

Acupuncture by Alison Dalziel, Acupuncturist 

If your back pain is causing you to lose sleep, take days off work or generally interfering in your quality of life, it may be worth considering acupuncture as a complementary or alternative treatment to usual standard care.  The American Pain Society and American College of Physicians have advised doctors to suggest acupuncture to patients as an alternative treatment for sufferers of chronic lower back pain which is not improving with conventional treatments. I have been working with musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction for 25 years with sports massage and advanced soft tissue techniques and am so happy to include acupuncture as part of the treatment I can offer to reduce pain and discomfort for sufferers of back pain. 

Foundation Training Classes by Jacqui Black, Osteopath 

Foundation Training activates your posterior muscle chain (all the muscles that run down the back of our bodies), it helps anchor your hips, decompresses the spine and teaches you to take the burden of supporting the body out of your joints and put it where it belongs…..in your muscles. A Foundation training session can give you a sense of strength and length as it targets specific muscles. By introducing Foundation training into your life, everyday tasks and movements are easier with less risk of injury. You will feel taller, stronger and centered with Foundation Training. Foundation Training classes are every Tuesday at 10:00AM. 

BackActive by Jacqui Black, Osteopath 

Our backs are not as strong as they used to be as the modern way of living encourages our spine muscles to become weak. Sitting on sofas, driving cars, using computers and mobile phones all encourage sitting and therefore less movement of our whole body. Muscles become weak, joints inflexible and balance is poor. BackActive sessions use a combination of neuromuscular movements and exercises to re-engage our wiring to the right parts of our bodies. BackActive sessions involve standing on one leg, improving balance, bouncing on Swiss balls, posture exercises and joint movement. BackActive is good FUN! BackActive classes are every Thursday at 10:30AM.

Nutrition by Christian Bates, Naturopath & Osteopath

Nutrition is able to have extremely beneficial effects on back and joint pain as it is an internal approach to calming inflammation, which is basically the chemicals causing the pain. These chemicals are present on purpose by the body for healing but often become out of control. There are dietary factors that are well known to aggravate inflammation, such as dairy and wheat, and also foods that can ease it, such as turmeric. We also have access to very powerful anti-inflammatory supplement combinations that can be added to a healthy diet to help pain from this holistic perspective. To learn more visit this page all about an Advanced Naturopathic Scan using the Avatar Device with Christian Bates: www.theperrymount.com/avatar

Yoga by Barbara Stephenson Yoga

Regular yoga practice releases tight muscles and alleviates back pain. Many of the postures in yoga gently strengthen muscles in the back and as well as the supporting abdominal muscles, encouraging an improved posture and movement. By blending the movement with breath, muscles are relaxed and strengthened therefore greatly reducing or avoiding back pain. Body awareness is also improved and this helps understand the body’s limitations. We have weekly yoga classes at The Perrymount and also offer Saturday Beginner's Yoga Workshops.

Pilates by Christian Bates, Osteopath & Naturopath

Pilates is a fantastic way to strengthen your lower back and abdominal “core” muscles on a weekly class basis. The advantage of going to a class is that you don’t have to remember to do the exercises yourself at home! Pilates is a safe, structured and gentle way to rehab yourself spine after treatment. We have 45 mins lunchtime Pilates with Gordon on Mondays and Fridays at The Perrymount.

Are you wondering which therapy will suit you best? 

At The Perrymount, we are all about getting to the root cause of symptoms and personalising your health journey.

Email carolyn@theperrymount.com to help guide you in choosing the right treatment for you or you can call The Perrymount on 01444 410944 to speak with our receptionists. 

You can also visit our vouchers page and download over £100 of first treatment vouchers to help you out. Click here to download the vouchers.