Hello I am Kayleigh one of the osteopaths at the Perrymount Clinic. I would like to give some insight on my own experience post delivery.

I was one of the lucky ones during my pregnancy as I didn’t suffer from any lower back pain, however post birth when my daughter, Paige, was about 7-8 months I did unfortunately struggled with back pain.

During the beginning months when I was feeding I did get a lot of upper back, neck and shoulder pain caused by having incorrect posture whilst feeding Paige. I was especially worried in the early stages that she wasn't feeding correctly and I would strain my neck more by over-looking down at her all the time.

My advice to you is to always make sure you are always in a comfortable position. Propped up with pillows, near your arms and for your back. Also I actually found a bean bag the most comfortable, more than my feeding chair. But of course we need help getting back up from a low bean bag . Also when you are out in a restaurant or a cafe for the 1st time, this can be very uncomfortable as little or no support. Take pillows!

If you are struggling with aches and pains post pregnancy please do come into the clinic where we can help with these. I myself had to come into the clinic for help as the aches were just not going away. The strain of the birth, then the feeding and now the carrying of baby and putting in and out the cot just wouldn’t let my body get a rest to recover.

I had a few osteopathy treatments weekly for around a month and then continued for every couple of weeks and now I am coming in every month for maintenance. I also had a few massages and some acupuncture.

When you have some more time and baby can be left more with daddy, family and friends, you could come in for a one to one or regular classes for pilates. Our pilates teachers are experienced with helping new mums and both have children themselves so they understand what’s going on for us.

I know it seems a lot of time away from your little one. But honestly you need to make the time for yourself and you can be a more energetic mum if you make sure you are pain free and relaxed. Even as an Osteopath and a mum it took me a while to come in and treat myself and now I am pain free because I am coming in for a monthly MOT with osteopathy and or massage. And doing pilates when I can. The massage I find more relaxing which is amazing having some time out to myself.

Osteopathy can look a bit deeper into correcting any pelvis issues from the delivery and spine structure and compensations from holding baby.  
The sessions will help reduce your aches and pains by finding out the root cause not just looking at symptom relief. We can also show you with exercises how to look after  yourself at home too.

We will aid your lower back pain which is caused by now lifting a heavy baby, constantly carrying them, lifting a pram and car seat. We can show you how to lift all these properly too. It is normal to have back pain just from the pregnancy creating a huge changes to your postures, ligament and muscles. We can also look help reduce your upper back, neck shoulder pains caused by feeding and carrying your little ones.

If you have any questions about aches and pains or any issues since having your baby then please send me an email on kayleigh@theperrymount.com
Both myself and Freya have recently had a baby so have a good understanding now of what happens to our body’s. If you’d like some help then please do book in. We will take a comprehensive case history and then check your pelvis, spine and main muscular and ligament structures. Osteopathy treatment can be as light or deep as you prefer. It does not have to be strong at all so please don’t worry about this.

Call 01444 410944 to book in for your 45 minute consultation. Just mention to reception you’d like the new mum posture check.