• I would think most people view osteopathy as only being a treatment that helps pain. Which is true, it is fantastic at helping get you out of so many types of painful injuries; neck pain, back pain, knee, hip and shoulder pain to name only a few.

    However, I would think that fewer people consider osteopathy as a way of STAYING healthy or as a way of improving their overall health. But it can do this and those patients having regular treatments with us have really been feeling the benefits.

    Treating the body with osteopathy can be a way of maintaining and improving your health even if there is no pain present.

    Consider it as a physical treatment to improve your health, much like we know exercise is or eating well. Treatment can be for pain prevention and also for “re-creating health”.

    What has prompted me to write this is a similar conversation I had with three patients, all on the same day who are subscribed to out Wellness Club. They are enjoying not only having no pain but actually feeling better than they used to. The majority also mention that committing to book the appointment every month means that aren’t forgetting to come in like they often used to.

    They are noticing that the regular treatments are improving how they feel. Their flexibility is increasing and aches and pains reducing or have gone. Pain can be one of those strange things that you don’t realise how much pain you were actually in until its gone.

    How can osteopathy improve your overall health?

    Your spine actually influences all cells in your body, particularly your nervous system. The nerves come out the spine and supply all muscles, joints, ligaments, arteries, veins  and internal organs even. Between your shoulder blades for example is linked to the lungs. Just like sciatica sends pain down your leg from a nerve irritation so could other nerves cause arteries to constrict and cause dry skin on your foot.

    This is how osteopathy was originally taught. A “facilitated segment” is where a nerve that is irritated say from IBS then sends signals to the nerve next to it which may give sciatica. They share the same level at the spine.

    By looking after your spine you will be influencing all these amazing connections and improving good blood supply and drainage all around the body.

    Your lymphatic and circulatory system deliver fresh nutrition to every cell and then make sure there is also free flow of toxins carried away from the cells. Tight muscles and poor posture can inhibit this and even compress organs to constrict their function. Osteopathy opens these systems up to allow free movement and flow of fluids.

    To summarise osteopathic treatment is successful at helping you when you are in pain, at keeping you free of pain and also actually improving your health. These manual treatments can be added into your healthy lifestyle habits.

    Eating nutritiously
    Drinking well
    Breathing clean
    Exercising and moving frequently
    Nature walks
    Friendships and family
    Sleep well
    Physical treatments like massage and osteopathy

    If you like the idea of regular physical treatments to improve your health then our Wellness Club is for you. Regular treatments on subscription for a discounted price. Also included a free 45 minute massage when you sign up.

    Read more and sign up here
