My name is Robyn Ray and I’m a local Astrologer with almost 40 years experience, having taken my first Astrological Diploma in the eighties. I’m a permanent student and just love learning, so I have several Diploma’s in various types of Astrology and Counselling.

In the UK we now have three Universities running degree courses that include Astrology and I’m sorry that these courses weren’t available 20 years ago when I was younger.

My passion now is teaching and I’ve had hundreds of students between the ages of 10 and 80 years old. One is never too old to learn Astrology and whatever you manage to understand, will only help one to navigate the complexities and challenges presented to us today.

Nowadays Astrology is experiencing a huge renaissance as people are becoming ever more confused by what is going on in the world, making it more and more difficult to make any major decisions. Can a knowledge of Astrology help in that respect. The answer is a resounding YES.

Understanding what the planets are up to and being able to use them as a guide to facing the unique challenges of today is obviously very helpful. In this respect the Perrymount Clinic has asked me to write a monthly newsletter to try and help explain some of the current events.

Today is the Full Moon in Leo and as I sit here at my laptop, Storm Ciara is lashing the UK and everyone is being asked to stay safe and not to travel unless absolutely necessary. There is no doubt that our Earth is experiencing some extraordinary issues; even in just the last few weeks, there have been the horrendous Bushfires in Australia, Volcanic eruption in New Zealand, Earthquakes in various parts of the world including Turkey etc. etc. The list goes on and we are only six weeks into 2020.

The Age of Pisces is coming to an end and we are entering the Age of Aquarius. Remember that song “The Age of Aquarius” in that fabulous musical Hair? Some of you might remember that Hippy period where everyone went around in those iconic VW vans with Peace and Love written all over them. I’m hoping that might be a precursor to what we might expect in the coming years but what on earth will make this New Age that we are preparing to enter, become so much more different from the last 2000 odd years?

At the moment Earth is like a pregnant woman in labour, preparing to give birth and that can be very painful and drawn out. We don’t know exactly what we are preparing to give birth to, but we do know that Aquarius is all about communication and about communities and groups of people working together to support each other. It’s an AIR sign so we know that we will be communicating far more through the airways.

Today we have a Full Moon at 20 Leo. A Full Moon means that the sky is lit up and those Leo’s and their opposite sign Aquarius should find that any challenging situations they find themselves in, are becoming a little clearer. Many of the fixed signs will be challenged this month as well as those who have a lot of fixity in their charts. i.e. planets in Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio, even if your actual Sun sign is in a different sign. This Full Moon, however, gives insight and lifts the fog of confusion a little.

The chart for this particular Full Moon is extremely difficult so I expect we are entering a very challenging period for the world. The Coronavirus shows no sign of abating at the moment and I think this is going to have a major effect on the Financial markets, around the world, especially as China will already be feeling the squeeze financially, as will the travel industry etc. Interesting that China announced the Coronavirus at the New Moon in Aquarius which was on the 24th January, although it now appears that the Virus had been detected and reported on, by the now-deceased Dr Li, several weeks earlier. The New Moon was at 4 Aquarius.

Depending on how long this epidemic goes on and where it spreads, will no doubt have all sorts of knock-on effects throughout the world. At the moment we are ok here in the UK with only four confirmed cases. However, I think we now need to pay serious attention to our health and hygiene and to keep ourselves and our families as safe as possible. This Coronavirus could continue for some time to come.

On the 17th Feb. we will also have Mercury going Retrograde, which can be both positive and negative. Mercury Retro is all about looking back and reconsidering and rethinking everything. Just put Re in front of whatever comes up for you and be very careful when out driving because Mercury rules transport and any form of communication such as laptops, phones, traveling (I see a lot of flights have been cancelled this weekend because of the weather) trees are down and roads are blocked, as are railway tracks etc.

So what is good about Merc Retro? Well it’s a great time to rewrite, rethink, reconsider, reorganise anything that you’re involved with at the moment. Mercury goes direct on the 10th March but it won’t be clear of it’s Shadow period until the 29th March. I advise businesses to be extremely careful when signing contracts and to wait until Mercury goes direct, if at all possible. I also avoid booking holidays or long journeys that take place during a Mercury retrograde period, as you may well suffer delays and changes of plan etc. like the transport problems today, but of course not everyone can adhere to this, especially if travel is part of your working life. However being aware and prepared and allowing extra time, does help.

I believe that a knowledge of Astrology can help us all to navigate the complexities of today's challenges and that everyone can benefit from an understanding of Astrology. I have developed a pretty foolproof method of teaching astrology, using the Birth charts of my students and in this respect, I’m delighted to announce that I will be running a Beginners Introduction to Astrology course of FOUR basic TWO HOUR sessions, at the Perrymount Clinic on the following Saturday mornings:

22nd Feb 7th Mar 21st Mar 4th Apr

9.30am -11.30am

If you’re interested in joining my INTRODUCTION TO ASTROLOGY class please email me so that I can prepare your Birth Chart

The cost of the 4 session x 2 hour course is £120

I’m really looking forward to meeting you and building an astrological community at The Perrymount.

Warmest wishes