The postnatal check is a specialist examination recommended for all mums following a vaginal or C-section delivery.

After having a baby, around half of all women experience weakness in their abdominals or pelvic floor area. This can result in back and pelvic girdle pain, incontinence issues, ‘tummy gap’ and more.

These postnatal issues are normal, but certainly not something you need to put up with.

During your postnatal check, we will work with you to address the concerns you have, perform a series of standardised tests, and create a bespoke postnatal recovery plan to get you back to feeling like you again.

Your 60-minute assessment will include:

Full postural and movement screen

Abdominal muscle exam to check for any weakness or separation

Pelvic floor muscle assessment (with your consent this may include an internal exam)

Assess the healing of C-section or perineal scars

Screening for any bladder, bowel or sexual dysfunction

We will discuss your goals, whether it be easing discomfort or getting back to physical activity and exercise

From there we will talk through your assessment results and create a bespoke rehabilitation programme incorporating any necessary hands-on treatment, personalised exercises and advice to help with your recovery

Follow-up appointments. If we feel you could benefit from more hands-on treatment and support, then we’ll advise you on recommended follow-up sessions.

This assessment is suitable from 6 weeks postnatal (and is advised at any stage onwards if mums are experiencing ongoing issues).

To book call 01444 410944 and ask for Kate Nunn