This is such a great foundation of naturopathy and all other natural paths to health too. I love the phrase “removing obstacles to cure” because it’s all about setting the body up to heal itself rather than DOING something to it or even putting more obstacles in the way.

Naturopaths believe that our body has the innate ability to heal itself. Of course very often they lose their way and forget how to get better! The reality is that often we are actually STOPPING ourselves getting better.

This can be from habits and lifestyle choices we know are bad, but haven’t changed. They could be from factors that we don’t realise are actually unhealthy for us. They might be factors that modern science doesn’t even know are harming us and so we expose ourselves to them in total ignorance. Or maybe we even have little understanding of them and currently we even think they are healthy for us but actually aren’t. In the past, X-rays were used as a therapy for people and smoking and was advertised to us as being sophisticated with no health detriments. And now?

These factors are called “OBSTACLES TO CURE”; things that are stopping us from getting better. Picture yourself on one side of a brick wall feeling ill and on the other side of the brick wall is health. The brick wall is the obstacle and all we need to do is remove the wall and you can pass through to health. Removing the wall is easier than climbing over it.

To put a bit of a spanner in the works, as we get older this does tend to get harder to achieve. Often we need some extra input to push us into a healthy direction even when the wall has been removed. This extra input could be by supplements or osteopathic treatment for example. The supplements may be helping remove toxins, an obstacle to cure, and the osteopathy is removing postural or spinal misalignments, also an obstacle to cure.

Maybe in our brick wall scenario we can use natural therapies to knock half the wall down and give you a helpful boost over the lowered wall to the healthy side.

Children tend to show us the best illustration of how “removing obstacles to cure” works so well. A baby or child’s body is so ready and programmed to move into health that they show fantastic results when “obstacles are removed”. Removing sugary foods or adding in simple supplements or friendly gut bacteria can make amazing improvements. The very gentle cranial osteopathy is excellent at removing head tensions from traumatic births, perhaps from a forceps delivery. This sort of tension can even carry over into older children when they are at school perhaps affecting their sleep.

I was walking in the woods in a National Trust property recently and an area had been cleared at ground level to stimulate new growth of plants that previously were too shaded to flourish. It struck me this was exactly the same as “removing obstacles to cure” in children. The wood was cleared from unwanted debris to allow the young plants, flowers, and saplings to be able to receive the sun and thrive. Often children that may be delayed in learning in some way can quickly catch up to where they should be once the obstacles are removed. In my experience, they don’t have to re-learn everything, they are able to catch up to where they should be. The learning is in them naturally and it just needs to be allowed to express itself. My experiences show this so often, however, every child is different and results may vary.

If you are looking for someone to help you “remove your obstacles to cure" and give you a boost to achieve your health, then have a look at how Christian Bates uses the Avatar to achieve this. Learn more about the Avatar here:

Common problems Christian can help using the Avatar scan:

  • Post-natal depletion in new mums
  • Bowel and digestion problems like IBS and reflux
  • Hormones imbalances
  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Stubborn weight loss problems and thyroid issues
  • Adrenal fatigue

To book an avatar with Christian, please click HERE