A patient on the Wellness Club subscription this week told me that the regular treatments have been lowering her feelings of stress. The original problem we were looking at was general aches and pains and headaches that continuously cropped up. These have virtually gone with the regular osteopathy. We are now maintaining a healthy spine, muscle system and nervous system (read on …). This is when the patient mentioned about feeling more relaxed and attributing it to the osteopathy treatments.

We then spoke about how the nervous system is housed in the spine and we are looking after the spine with our osteopathy treatments. This is a fundamental of how osteopathy works and how it is able to influence the whole body. I could see and feel less tension in the spine and muscles  and the patient said she is able to maintain a better posture now and feels in less pain trying to sit up straight.

Below I have listed three pieces of scientific research that prove how it is possible for this patient to feel less stressed due to her treatments because of improved posture with a more flexible spine. It’s super interesting and may not be a benefit that you thought you could get from regular osteopathy. As an added benefit the studies also saw improved sleep.

A study published in the journal Stress found that poor posture can lead to an increase in stress levels in the nervous system. The study found that participants who adopted a poor posture exhibited higher levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress, compared to those who adopted a neutral posture. Additionally, the study found that poor posture was associated with higher levels of anxiety and poorer sleep quality.

Stress: "The Impact of Posture on Stress: A Systematic Review" by Gomes et al. Published in 2020.

Another study published in the journal Stress and Health found that poor posture can lead to an increase in sympathetic nervous system activity.The study found that poor posture was associated with an increase in heart rate, as well as an increase in cortisol levels. Additionally, the study found that poor posture was associated with higher levels of stress, anxiety, and fatigue.

Stress and Health: "The Effects of Posture on Sympathetic Nervous System Activity" by Oliveira et al. Published in 2018.

This I my note: The sympathetic nervous system is the fight or flight side of your nervous system. It’s the side of the nervous system that switches on when you are in danger, or scared or under stress. Even low levels of daily stress can keep you switched on to this side. This changes how your whole body behaves and you don’t want to be living in this side of your nervous system. You want a healthy balance between this and the parasympathetic side which is rest and digest.

You can improve the balance by supporting the parasympathetic side with things like, meditation, deep breathing, mindfulness, yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates and regular treatments like osteopathy and massage.

The third study published in the journal Neuroscience Letters found that poor posture can lead to an increase in stress hormones. The study found that participants who adopted a poor posture exhibited higher levels of cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), compared to those who adopted a neutral posture. Additionally, the study found that poor posture was associated with higher levels of anxiety and poorer sleep quality.

Neuroscience Letters: "The Effects of Posture on Stress Hormones" by Mesquita et al. Published in 2017.

Now have a read of this fascinating conclusion about some benefits of good posture and sitting up.

Adopting an upright seated posture in the face of stress can maintain self-esteem, reduce negative mood, and increase positive mood compared to a slumped posture. Furthermore, sitting upright increases rate of speech and reduces self-focus. Sitting upright may be a simple behavioral strategy to help build resilience to stress. The research is consistent with embodied cognition theories that muscular and autonomic states influence emotional responding.


This is a bit of along way round explaining that osteopathy and massage treatments which can help you reduce muscle tension and spine stiffness can then impact of your posture beneficially which in turn can be relaxing and calming.

To book an appointment for osteopathy or massage call 01444 410944. You can also book online here:


Also look at our popular Wellness Club subscription which gives you regular monthly treatments at a discounted rate.
