The Nutri Advanced NutriClean Programme has been used for several years now as a complete 14-day package to help clients by reducing their exposure to toxins and supporting their clearance pathways.

The NutriClean Programme Pack contains:

• All Supplements
- 1 x UltraClear Plus pH Vanilla
- 1 x Meta-Lipoate
- 1 x Glutathione Plus
- 1 x NAC
- 1 x Psyllium & Apple Pectin
• Programme Instructions
• A Food List
• Food and Juice Recipes
• A Menu planner
• A Workbook to Fill in
• FAQs

The NutriClean programme has been upgraded and we have replaced the antioxidant formula Celapro, which will still be available individually, with our new formula Glutathione Plus. Glutathione can play an important role in supporting removal of toxins throughout the body and can be depleted in times of additional toxin exposure.

Since its introduction Glutathione Plus has proved itself to be very popular, so much so that we couldn’t let the NutriClean programme go ahead without including this formula. Glutathione Plus contains 250mg of Setria® glutathione which has been combined with a synergistic blend of milk thistle, curcumin, alpha lipoic acid, green tea and selenium. Together they provide a unique, targeted formulation that may help protect the body from oxidative damage.

The NutriClean Programme offers a 14 day approach to address a vast array of health issues using the right supplements and targeted food plan. It is advocated that a targeted support plan such as this can help cleanse the body, increase vitamin and mineral absorption, reduce symptoms of toxicity, clear the skin and aid weight loss while improving cellular health and mitochondrial function.

The programme uses a specific supplement regime and a low allergenic food plan along with a comprehensive information pack, containing a food list, lifestyle tips, recipes, menu planners, quick and easy meal ideas, easy cheats, shopping list, supplement protocol and FAQs. This comes out to you along with your supplements and a workbook to track your progress.

The NutriClean plan itself is divided up into sections. On days 1-6 and days 10-14, you consume 3 meals and 2 snacks (1 to include UltraClear Plus pH). Days 7-9 are liquid-only days where you consume 3 servings of UltraClear Plus pH and unlimited juices/soups

In order to track your progress, you will have the opportunity to fill in a workbook at different stages. Prior to the beginning of the programme you will take a few simple measurements including weight, height, BMI and waist to hip ratio. These will be taken again at the end. A medical symptoms questionnaire (MSQ) will also be filled in at these times. A toxin exposure questionnaire should be filled in prior to the beginning of the programme. You will be invited to make notes on changes you have noticed or how you are generally feeling as the programme progresses.

Please note this programme contains non-vegan products